wordpress - activate plugins on custom theme -

i'm new wordpress , created first template.

in functions.php have put following code, function understand should call plugins plugins directory:

if (function_exists('register_sidebar')) {      register_sidebar(array(         'name' => 'widgetized area',         'id'   => 'widgetized-area',         'description'   => '',         'before_widget' => '',         'after_widget'  => '',         'before_title'  => '',         'after_title'   => ''     ));  } 

i see plugins, , in widget screen see 'widgets' screen , allows me drag widgets working area.

the website displays plugin's html neither js nor css working.

what missing?

above code have added in functions.php register sidebar not call plugin. not have connection plugin.

you can call sidebar added in template follow:

if ( is_active_sidebar( 'widgetized-area' ) ) {       dynamic_sidebar( 'widgetized-area' );   } 


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