mysql - How to do a SQL insert statement in two tables with one statement? -

i have 2 tables: message , message_content:

message id | customer_id | creation_time | msg_headline | status | order_id   message_content message_id | msg | creation_time | employee_id 

when insert new data need create record in both tables (linked id resp. message_id). possible achieve using single statement?

it not possible insert 2 tables single insert statement. there few options. 1 of using last_insert_id()[1]:

insert `message` (`customer_id`, `creation_time`, `msg_headline`, `status`, `order_id`)   values (...);  insert `message_content` (`message_id`, `msg`, `creation_time`, `employee_id`)   values (last_insert_id(), 'message', default, 1) 

in actual implementation should switch prepared statement (and php: prepared statements - manual, since mentioned php).


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