How do I save ut8 encoding with excel vba macro -

i'm generating tsv file macro data contains special characters 'tm' symbol , in turn fed mysqlimport in server. because of special characters doesn't load rest of string after special character.

i have following macro save preffered delimiter , enclosure want specify encoding want save file in well. how go this?

sub tsv()     dim srcrg range     dim currrow range     dim currcell range     dim currtextstr string     dim listsep string     dim fname variant     fname = application.getsaveasfilename("", "tsv file (*.tsv), *.tsv")     'fname = application.getsaveasfilename("", "csv file (*.csv), *.csv")       'assign character delimiter want     listsep = chr(9)     'listsep = "|"     'assign enclosure character want     listenc = "^"       if selection.cells.count > 1         set srcrg = selection     else         set srcrg = activesheet.usedrange     end if      open fname output #1      each currrow in srcrg.rows         currtextstr = ""          each currcell in currrow.cells           currtextstr = currtextstr & listenc & currcell.value & listenc & listsep         next          while right(currtextstr, 1) = listsep       currtextstr = left(currtextstr, len(currtextstr) - 1)         wend          print #1, currtextstr     next      close #1 end sub 

use adodb stream object.

        set bs = createobject("")             '2 = text use writetext rather 1 = binary , use write         bs.type = 2             'get list of chartypes typing in command prompt ***reg query hkey_classes_root\mime\database\charset***              bs.charset = "utf-8"         bs.writetext "hi kiddies"         'a=array(cbyte("m"),cbyte("z"))         'bs.write         bs.savetofile "c:\myfile.txt", 2 


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