AngularJS ui-router initial route -

i have page contains 2 different sub-pages.

the search state main container , search.list automatically when loads.

when user navigates search.detail invoke last route till contained within search main frame.

problem can't search.list load default.

    $stateprovider.state('search', {         url: '/search/{appid}{reportid:(?:/[^/]+)?}',         templateurl: 'app/search/search.tpl.html',         controller: 'searchctrl',         resolve: {             app: function($stateparams, appsmodel) {                 return appsmodel.findone($stateparams.appid);             }         }     });      $stateprovider.state('search.list', angularamd.route({         controller: 'listctrl',         templateurl: 'app/search/list/list.tpl.html'     }));      $stateprovider.state('search.detail', {         url: '/detail/{recordid}',         title: "search",         views:{             '': {                 templateurl: 'app/search/detail/detail.tpl.html',                 controller: 'detailctrl'             },             'grid@search.detail': {                 controller: 'listctrl',                 templateurl: 'app/search/list/list.tpl.html'               },             'record@search.detail': {                 templateurl: 'app/record/views/record.html',                 controller: 'recordctrl'             }         }         }     }); 

if move url , app resolve attribute search.list main container doesn't app resolved needs render.

if move url attribute to search.list search not have appid attribute in $state resolve that.

in search controller added:

    if(!$'search.detail')) $state.go('search.list'); 

but works on first page load, if goto detail , go doesn't load list because controller re'initd. ideas?

ended consolidating search , search.list 1 like:

    $stateprovider.state('search', {         url: '/search/{appid}{reportid:(?:/[^/]+)?}',         title: "search",         cssclass: 'searchctrl listctrl',         views:{             '': {                 controller: 'searchctrl',                 templateurl: 'app/search/search.tpl.html',             },             '@search': {                 controller: 'listctrl',                 templateurl: 'app/search/list/list.tpl.html'               }         },         resolve: {             app: function($stateparams, appsmodel) {                 return appsmodel.findone($stateparams.appid);             }         }     }); 


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