git - Initial Commit: "fatal: could not create leading directories of ..." -

i trying make initial commit git repository on github unity project. followed along this guide am. note: reason or another, couldn't set unity's asset serialization mode force text, settled on mixed (which believe should work).

when call git clone --bare . , error.

note not creator of repository , contributor (though making initial commit).

here's in terminal (i'm using git bash):

welcome git (version 1.8.4-preview20130916)   run 'git git' display index. run 'git <command>' display specific commands.  cheddar@cheddar-pc ~ $ cd documents/ics168swarch/  cheddar@cheddar-pc ~/documents/ics168swarch $ git init initialized empty git repository in c:/users/cheddar/documents/ics168swarch/.git /  cheddar@cheddar-pc ~/documents/ics168swarch (master) $ git add . warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/prefabs.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/prefabs/pellet.prefab.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/prefabs/pelletmanager.prefab.meta . file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/prefabs/player.prefab.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scene1.unity.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts/eatpellets.cs. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts/eatpellets.cs.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts/movement.cs. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts/movement.cs.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts/spawnpellets.cs. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in assets/scripts/spawnpellets.cs.meta. file have original line endings in working directory. warning: lf replaced crlf in library/scriptassemblies/compilationcomp leted.txt. file have original line endings in working directory. error: open("temp/unitylockfile"): permission denied error: unable index file temp/unitylockfile fatal: adding files failed  cheddar@cheddar-pc ~/documents/ics168swarch (master) $ git commit -m "[initial project setup]" # on branch master # # initial commit # # untracked files: #   (use "git add <file>..." include in committed) # #       .gitignore.txt #       assembly-csharp-vs.csproj #       assembly-csharp.csproj #       assembly-csharp.pidb #       assets/ #       ics168swarch-csharp.sln #       ics168swarch.sln #       ics168swarch.userprefs #       library/ #       projectsettings/ #       temp/ nothing added commit untracked files present (use "git add" track)  cheddar@cheddar-pc ~/documents/ics168swarch (master) $ git clone --bare . fatal: not create leading directories of ' h.git'  cheddar@cheddar-pc ~/documents/ics168swarch (master) $  

i searched solutions this, nothing found seemed have same cause getting. on appreciated!

it looks though have 2 issues here.

first, need .gitignore file correctly limits files you're adding git. covered in tutorial linked, seems you've not followed correctly (as add including files temp folder). looking @ file list, seems you've named file .gitignore.txt accident. remove file extension , try starting again (re-run git add) , you'll better results.

the problem clone second argument (the path ".") incorrect. it's not required (the default . anyway), , if want specify it, comes after repository, not before (see the git docs details - <repository> comes before <directory>).

so, think clone should instead this:

git clone --bare 


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