jquery - how to return object from controller to ajax in spring mvc -

i have return list of employee controller jquery ajax. how should it?

//controller part  @requestmapping("phcheck") public modelandview pay(@requestparam("empid") int empid, string fdate, string tdate) {     modelandview mav = new modelandview("phcheck");    list<employee> emp=entitymanager.createquery("select e employee e e.empid="+empid, employee.class).getresultlist();    mav.addobject("emp", emp); <----i need list of employee in ajax    return mav; } 

ajax in view

//ajax part $(document).ready(function () { $("#empid").change(function () {     if ($("#fdate").val() != "" && $("#tdate").val() != "" && $("#empid").val() != "") {         jquery.ajax({             url: "phcheck.htm?empid=" + $("#empid").val() + "&&fdate=" + $("#fdate").val() + "&&tdate=" + $("#tdate").val(),             success: function (data) {                 alert(data + "success");             },             error: function (data) {                 alert(data + "error");             }         });     } else {         alert("please fill date , date or select employee id");         $("#empid .option").attr("selected", "selected")     } }); 


thanks in advance.

i need list of employee in ajax

in spring when need object serialization, de-serialization , message conversion. in case need annotate controller handler method @requestbody , @responsebody.


  • @responsebody : inform spring try convert return value , write http response automatically.
  • @requestbody : inform spring try convert content of incoming request body parameter object on fly.

in case need json type, have add @responsebody method signature or above method, , produces , consumes optional, like:

@requestmapping(value="phcheck", method=requestmethod.get                 produces="application/json") public @responsebody list<employee> pay(@requestparam("empid") int empid, string fdate, string tdate) {    //get employee list here   return emplist; } 

and in ajax call use:

  • contenttype: 'application/json' attribute tells type of data you're sending. and
  • datatype: json attribute tells jquery content type of response receive.

in case contenttype: 'application/json' not needed, default 1 i.e. 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' enough.

and can receive list of employees in ajax success, iterate on like:

  success: function (data) {           $.each(data, function(index, curremp) {              console.log(curremp.name); //to print name of employee          });             }, 

note: jackson mapper or other mapper should available on buildpath in order work json serialize , deserialize.

see also:


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