javascript - Using define() in require.js -

i'm started learning using require.js

require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'module1'], function($, _, module1) {     module1.init();     $('#output').html('hello world!'); }); 
define('module1', [], function(app) {     var init = function() {         alert('hello world!')       ;     }      return {         init: init     }; }); 

it's working i'm wondering can change define('myapp', [] function(app){}); in module1.js?, , modify main.js to

require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'myapp'], function($, _, myapp) {     myapp.init();     $('#output').html('hello world!'); }); 

please help, can understand more using require.js.



with below answer, i've modified coding to

define('myapp', [], function(app) {     var init = function() {         alert('hello world!')       ;     }      return {         init: init     }; }); 
require.config({     baseurl: 'js',     paths: {         module1: 'module1'     } });  require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'module1'], function($, _, myapp) {     myapp.init();     $('#output').html('hello world!'); }); 

unfortunately still couldn't work, please give me more advices.

in define part you're defining myapp a dependency of module, not name of module itself. search requirejs.config part , change name of module.

requirejs.config({     paths: {         'module1': '../somepath/module1.js', // change module1 myapp         ...      } }); 

when you've changed name of module can initialize module this:

require(['myapp'], function(myapp) {     myapp.init(); }); 


you need define other modules/plugins well.


require.config({     baseurl: 'js',     paths: {         'myapp': 'module1',         'jquery': 'jquery.min',         'underscore': 'underscore.min'     } });  require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'myapp'], function($, _, myapp) {     myapp.init();     $('#output').html('hello world!'); }); 


define(function() {     var init = function() {         alert('hello world!');     };      return {         init: init     }; }); 

you can define name of module in module wouldn't advice it. require.js doc:

you may encounter define() calls include name module first argument define() [...] these generated optimization tool. can explicitly name modules yourself, makes modules less portable -- if move file directory need change name. best avoid coding in name module , let optimization tool burn in module names. optimization tool needs add names more 1 module can bundled in file, allow faster loading in browser.


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