php - Laravel Controller load files due to ClassLoader and incorrect composer files -

ok, newbie @ laravel. used composer download laravel. created directory structure like...

  vendor\laravel\laravel\app   vendor\laravel\laravel\bootstrap   vendor\laravel\laravel\public   vendor\laravel\framework\....   vendor\laravel\laravel\composer.json 

along many other vendor , laravel directories.

and initial composer.json file in root directory.

i moved contents of vendor\laravel\laravel directory top level have directory structure like...

   app\...    bootstrap\...    public\...    vendor\laravel\framework\...    composer.json    vendor\ many other directories... 

i updated index.php directory referred new locations of bootstrap\autoload.php , bootstrap\start.php directories.

i can load index.php , laravel image map signifying working.

so, go , modify routes.php be...

route::controller('home', 'homecontroller');

and try load home directory. error...

"include(d:\dev\wamp\www\ltest3\vendor/laravel/laravel/app/controllers/basecontroller.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory" 

the problem vendor\composer\autoload_classmap.php still has old laravel\app controller mappings. e.g.

return array(     'basecontroller' => $vendordir . '/laravel/laravel/app/controllers/basecontroller.php',     'databaseseeder' => $vendordir . '/laravel/laravel/app/database/seeds/databaseseeder.php',     'homecontroller' => $vendordir . '/laravel/laravel/app/controllers/homecontroller.php', 

instead of new location @ /app/controllers/

if try run composer update on composer.json in root directory, error after awhile of processing...

 failed execute git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no         

so, not sure how composer update autoload classmap use new directory location.

do people leave vendor\laravel\laravel directory in original location?

seems composer attempt update laravel directory again, not sure since error.

here full composer.json in root directory. 1 in vendor\laravel\laravel directory , created other initial composer run, maybe problem.

{     "name": "laravel/laravel",     "description": "the laravel framework.",     "keywords": ["framework", "laravel"],     "license": "mit",     "require": {         "laravel/framework": "4.1.*"     },     "autoload": {         "classmap": [             "app/commands",             "app/controllers",             "app/models",             "app/database/migrations",             "app/database/seeds",             "app/tests/testcase.php"         ]     },     "scripts": {         "post-install-cmd": [             "php artisan clear-compiled",             "php artisan optimize"         ],         "post-update-cmd": [             "php artisan clear-compiled",             "php artisan optimize"         ],         "post-create-project-cmd": [             "php artisan key:generate"         ]     },     "config": {         "preferred-install": "dist"     },     "minimum-stability": "stable" } 

all vendor files whether belong laravel or third party should in same location /vendor. not amtter of mapping in bootstrap important when need update package in composer. might need on delicate environment why not keep should be? there reason?

composer used on many other frameworks , believe in of them need vendor directory.


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