Error Installing Entity Framework 6.0.1 From Nuget (This operation would create an incorrectly structured document.) -

in mvc 5 need use entity framework. have tried installing latest entity framework through nuget package, getting following error below. have pasted complete nuget stack error. have tried several things un-installing/installing ef, adding ef references manually,etc. none have worked far , have lost 2 days.

i have tried links similar problem here in site , has not helped , hence starting new thread hoping me here!  need here...i stuck.  error stack:  install-package entityframework installing 'entityframework 6.1.0'. downloading entityframework microsoft, license agreement available @ check package additional dependencies, may come own license agreement(s). use of package , dependencies constitutes acceptance of license agreements. if not accept license agreement(s), delete relevant components device. installed 'entityframework 6.1.0'. adding 'entityframework 6.1.0' epp. added 'entityframework 6.1.0' epp. system.invalidoperationexception: operation create incorrectly structured document.    @ system.xml.linq.xdocument.validatedocument(xnode previous, xmlnodetype allowbefore, xmlnodetype allowafter)    @ system.xml.linq.xdocument.validatenode(xnode node, xnode previous)    @ system.xml.linq.xcontainer.addnodeskipnotify(xnode n)    @ system.xml.linq.xcontainer.addcontentskipnotify(object content)    @ system.xml.linq.xcontainer.add(object content)    @ container, string elementname, xattribute[] attributes)    @ config, version entityframeworkversion)    @<>c__displayclass3.<execute>b__1(xdocument c)    @ configitem, ienumerable`1 manipulators)    @<>c__displayclass3.<execute>b__0(projectitem i)    @ items, action`1 action)    @    @ command) uninstalling 'entityframework 6.1.0'. uninstalled 'entityframework 6.1.0'. install failed. rolling back...`enter code here` install-package : operation create incorrectly structured document. @ line:1 char:16 + install-package <<<<  entityframework     + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [install-package], runtimeexception 

when entity framework upgraded, app.config or web.config files stuff written them. check web.config file. here error was

<configuration xmlns=""> 

which fixed when line changed



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