Excel VBA Not Saving in Current Directory -

here code below excel vba batch save excel files in directory pdf. uses msofiledialogfolderpicker user's input.

everything works except doesn't save in current directory original files, saves in folder above.

please let me know need add or change saves in same folder.


sub batchprocessing_exceltopdf()  application.filedialog(msofiledialogfolderpicker)     .title = "select folder location"     .buttonname = "select"     .show     .allowmultiselect = false     cmdselectinput = application.filedialog(msofiledialogfolderpicker).selecteditems     (1) & "\" end  mypath = cmdselectinput mytemplate = "*.xls*"  ' set template. myname = dir(mypath & mytemplate)    'retrieve first file while myname <> ""     workbooks.open mypath & myname     pdfsaveas     workbooks(myname).close (true)  'close     myname = dir                    'get next file loop  msgbox "finished excel batch processing"  end sub  sub pdfsaveas() ' ' save active excel sheet pdf ' ' activesheet.exportasfixedformat type:=xltypepdf, filename:= _     mypath & myname, quality:= _     xlqualitystandard, includedocproperties:=true, ignoreprintareas:=false, _     openafterpublish:=false end sub 

in sub pdfsaveas "mypath" not exist variable.

as result passed in empty string. therefore default saves file existing name .pdf in active directory.

you need pass in variables mypath , myname sub, or else declare them module level variables.

e.g.: option 1: sub pdfsaveas(mypath string, myname string)

called pdfsaveas mypath, myname

or option2: declare mypath , myname @ top of module private mypath string etc. in scope pdfsaveas.

always use option explicit @ top of module. ensure issues on phantom variables not arise.


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