php - Yii Framework not saving value for field to DB -

i new php, , working on project uses yii framework. have added new field our database, , reason isn't being passed database.

alter table profiles add organization_id int(10); 

i altered validation, thought issue include field.

public function rules() {     // note: should define rules attributes     // receive user inputs.     return array(             array('participant_list_id, organization_id', 'numerical', 'integeronly'=>true),             array('participant_list_name, organization_id', 'required'),             array('participant_list_name', 'unique', 'message' => 'the name exists.'),             array('participant_list_name', 'length', 'max'=>64),             array('participant_list_desc', 'length', 'max'=>255),             // following rule used search().             // @todo please remove attributes should not searched.             array('participant_list_id, organization_id, participant_list_name, participant_list_desc', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),             array('input_type','safe'),     ); } 

i included in form on page using following:

<?php echo $form->hiddenfield($model,'organization_id',array('value'=>yii::app()->getmodule('user')->user()->profile->organization_id)); ?> 

which renders as:

<input value="1" name="participantlist[organization_id]" id="participantlist_organization_id" type="hidden"> 

clearly there missing, not sure be. made field "not null" in db, , error saying insert failed, because organization_id requires value.

i discovered issue. changed method being called, , replaced $model->attributes=$_post['participantlist']; $model->participant_list_name=($_post['participantlist']['participant_list_name'‌​]); ignoring other fields. stands weren't able add attributes, because caused save nested data being validated, explicitly added org id.


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