java - How to format XML ResponseBody output without or with minimal configuration in SpringMVC -

in spring mvc project have small use-case need expose data in xml format. don't need xsd our project. since jaxb2 included in jdk (up version 6), did not need configure anything: nice!

before, presented link followed. xml output automatically formatted (i.e. indented , new-lined nicely) browser. however, needed change link have xml file automatically downloaded. problem here file contents not formatted.

the question is: possible format file output minimal configuration? examples can find start out configuring view resolvers, hope that not needed. elegant :)

current setup follows. in controller:

@requestmapping(value = "/{filename}.xml", produces = "application/xml") public @responsebody xmldata downloaddataasxml(httpservletresponse response) {     xmldata xmldata = somelogic();     response.setheader("content-type", "application/octet-stream");     response.setheader("content-disposition", "attachment");     return xmldata; } 

, use annotations on xmldata

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;  @xmlrootelement(name = "data") @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) @xmltype(proporder = { "field1", "field2", "entry"}) public class xmldata {      @xmlelement private string field1;     @xmlelement private string field2;     @xmlelementwrapper(name = "entries")     @xmlelement private sortedset<string> entry; } 

so, except setting spring mvc annotation-driven, works out of box formatting.


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