ruby on rails - Past time while testing with Rspec -

i'm curious on practices around testing time in rspec, ie. datetime data type , date data type. on shorthand, problem have, i'm trying test lsting page ie. index.html.erb looking past tense time method use not future tense time method.

require 'spec_helper'  describe 'list objects'      'shows objects'           object11 = object.create(             title: 'local stuff',             description: 'an article on local disputes',             posted_from: 'new jersey',             posted_by: 'ned flanders',             posted_at: 6.days.from_now <-- looking past tense time method use.             )           visit objects_url           expect(page).to have_text(object1.title)         expect(page).to have_text(object1.description)         expect(page).to have_text(object1.posted_from)          expect(page).to have_text(object1.posted_by)         expect(page).to have_text(object1.posted_from)         expect(page).to have_text(object1.posted_at) 

i believe looking #ago method:

    object11 = object.create(         title: 'local stuff',         description: 'an article on local disputes',         posted_from: 'new jersey',         posted_by: 'ned flanders',         posted_at: 6.days.ago         ) 


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