c# - Why is autofac registering all instances of apicontroller instead of just the one i specify -

im having trouble understand why classes derived apicontroller registered , accessible. have 2 apicontrollers:

mastercontroller : apicontroller slavecontroller : apicontroller 

and here how setup server container

action<iappbuilder> appbuilderaction = appbuilder => {                  var httpconf = new httpconfiguration();                 httpconf.dependencyresolver = new autofacwebapidependencyresolver(container);                 httpconf.routes.maphttproute("defaultapi", "api/v1/{controller}/{action}", new { action = "get" });                  appbuilder.usewebapi(httpconf);             };              return webapp.start(baseaddress, appbuilderaction); 

the problem im having when creating nunit test though try register single controller, both of them accessible during test. if register mastercontroller instance, expect url valid (master)

var response = await client.getasync(new uri(http://localhost:8080, "api/v1/master/mytest")); 

and url give me 404 (slave)

var response = await client.getasync(new uri(http://localhost:8080, "api/v1/slave/mytest")); 

but instead both of them work. have tried types of different registrations autofac, of them seems register apicontrollers , not 1 want, missing?

var cb = new containerbuilder();  // tried 1 , added alot of .where´s try , filter on cb.registerapicontrollers(typeof (mastercontroller).assembly);  // tried many different version, dont have list them since im missing cb.registertype<mastercontroller>(); cb.registertype(typeof(mastercontroller));  var container = cb.build(); 

my goal register mastercontroller during test, , understand im doing wrong when attempting that.

i found out through collegue poking @ wrong place, doesnt matter how setup container because code bootstraps not dependencyresolver.

i added line code, when setting server:

httpconf.services.replace(typeof(ihttpcontrollertyperesolver), new autofachttpcontrollertyperesolver(container));    

and how autofachttpcontrollertyperesolver class looks like:

class autofachttpcontrollertyperesolver : ihttpcontrollertyperesolver         {             private readonly icontainer _container;              public autofachttpcontrollertyperesolver(icontainer container)             {                 this._container = container;             }              public icollection<type> getcontrollertypes(iassembliesresolver assembliesresolver)             {                 var q = r in _container.componentregistry.registrations                         let t = r.activator.limittype                         typeof(ihttpcontroller).isassignablefrom(t) && t.name.endswith("controller")                         select t;                 return q.tolist();             }         } 


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