ios - CMMotionActivityManager ignores cycling -

i've been researching new m7 chip's cmmotionactivitymanager, determining whether user of device walking, running, in car, etc (see apple documentation). seemed great step forward on trying determine previous using locationmanager , accelerometer data only.

i notice cmmotionactivitymanager not have cycling activity, disappointing, , deal-breaker complete usage new activity manager. has else found convenient way use cmmotionactivitymanager cycling without having reincorporate cmlocationmanager + accelerometer try test cycling too?

note, not include general transport options things train. instance, commute hour day on train. automotive made more generic @ least, similar how moves uses transport.

cmmotionactivity has these defined motion types only:

  • stationary
  • walking
  • running
  • automotive
  • unknown

useful notes apple's code, not solve issue, helpful:


an estimate of user's activity based on motion of device.

the activity exposed set of properties, properties not mutually exclusive.

for example, if you're in car stopped @ stop sign state might like: stationary = yes, walking = no, running = no, automotive = yes

or moving vehicle, stationary = no, walking = no, running = no, automotive = yes

or device in motion not walking or in vehicle. stationary = no, walking = no, running = no, automotive = no. note in case of properties no.

[direct source: apple ios framework, coremotion/cmmotionactivity.h @interface cmmotionactivity, inline code comments]

so, not sure if still need answer here latest ios8 sdk

@property(readonly, nonatomic) bool cycling ns_available(na, 8_0); 


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