java - JSF- <h:commandButton> does not invoke new window from backing bean -

my issue similar issue
having in xhtml , calls backing bean method invoking new window pre constructed url.but problem not opening url.

my code in xhtml given below

 <h:commandbutton  style="margin-left:1em;width: auto; height: 20px;font-size:85%" value="webphone" id="lwebpne"rendered="#{bean.editcmdactionflg == true , (bean.selectedsearchsysdetrow.isfeed != '1'  or bean.selectedoverviewdetails.webpheflg == false)}"actionlistener="#{bean.webphonesearch}"   > <f:param name="lpid" value="lpid" /> </h:commandbutton> 

, code given in backing bean

public void webphonesearch(actionevent event) {"webphonesearch method enter ..");          string param = "";          map<string, string> params = facescontext.getcurrentinstance()                 .getexternalcontext().getrequestparametermap();      if (params.get("lpid") != null) {             system.out.println("coming inside>>>>>");             // string t_lpid = params.get("lpid");             string t_lpid = selectedoverviewdetails.getleadprgmgruid();             matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t_lpid);             if (matcher.matches()) {                 param = "this values comes ui ";             }         } // below  url window launch show details of person search     url = "http:// url searching person in webphone" +param;         requestcontext.getcurrentinstance().execute(                 "'" + url + "')");"webphonesearch method exit ..");  }<br/> 

my problem clikcing <h:commandbutton> not open new window instead same page reopens in current window when click <h:commandbutton>
please let me know suggestions resolve issue.

as @alexandre say, <h:commandbutton/> doesn't have taget attribute. use <h:commandlink/>

<h:commandlink target="_blank"                  style="margin-left:1em;width: auto; height: 20px;font-size:85%"                  value="webphone" id="lwebpne"                  rendered="#{bean.editcmdactionflg == true , (bean.selectedsearchsysdetrow.isfeed != '1'  or bean.selectedoverviewdetails.webpheflg == false)}"                  actionlistener="#{bean.webphonesearch}">     <f:param name="lpid" value="lpid"/> </h:commandlink> 

--- update: ---

if want trigger javascript events can use <f:ajax/>. sample below.

<h:commandbutton style="margin-left:1em;width: auto; height: 20px;font-size:85%"                  value="webphone" id="lwebpne" rendered="#{bean.editcmdactionflg == true , (bean.selectedsearchsysdetrow.isfeed != '1'  or bean.selectedoverviewdetails.webpheflg == false)}">     <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" listener="#{bean.webphonesearch()}" onevent="eventlistener"/> </h:commandbutton> <h:outputscript>     function eventlistener(data) {         if (data.status == "complete") {             <!-- window address here -->   '', '_blank');         }     } </h:outputscript> 

but don't advise use popup window. because of browsers block them. think dialog framework or lightbox component can more useful.


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