Update text file with the name and also run an exe using batch file -

i below things every single file the files ext .mtc inside particular directory in loop using batch script. can please help?

  1. output name of file in text file in variable
  2. run application exe
  3. pass file name variable text file (in step 1) batch file can used output same 2nd batch file

*basically want retain name of file stored in 1st batch file 2nd batch file

i able step 2 of running application each of mtc file not able step 1 , step 3.

something :

@echo off /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b/a-d *.mtc') call:execute "%%a" exit /b :execute echo treating : %1 yourexe.exe call your_second_bat.bat %1 

and second batch value of .mtc file in %1

your_second_bat.bat :

@echo off echo value received first bat [%~1] 


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