Django form with label directly in the Field, but disappear on typing -

i achieve same effect google login page label of text field shown in field itself. when characters typed in filed, label automatically disappeared.

i know how achieve similar effect html + java script, like:

<input type="text" name="" id="" value="email" class="gray"  onclick="if(this.value=='email') {this.value='';this.classname='black'}" onblur="if(this.value=='')     {this.value='email';this.classname='gray'}" /> 

but django form same effect? know can specify initial in charfield, won't disappear on typing.

forms.charfield(max_length=100, label=_("email"), initial='xxx') 

there html5 prop called placeholdertext. here blogpost how use django forms. django html5 input placeholders excerpt:

class myform(form): name = forms.charfield(widget=forms.textinput({ "placeholder": "joe recruiter" }))


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