c# - RadGrid Countdown Clock in Template Column -

i have telerik radgrid bound sqldatasource (items databound), in 1 of data bound columns there value of type datetime format h:mm:ss {0:h:mm:ss}. added template column shows "time left"

so: start time - = time left

i wanted ajaxified added timer , label inside updatepanel in template column - every tick (1000ms) recalculate time left.

this seems work first row in radgrid

here code snippets


    <telerik:gridtemplatecolumn filtercontrolalttext="filter templatecolumn column"     uniquename="templatecolumn" headertext="starting in">   <itemtemplate>      <contenttemplate>                        <asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel1" runat="server">         <contenttemplate>           <asp:label id="lbltime" runat="server" text="00:00:00"></asp:label>           <asp:timer id="timer1" runat="server" interval="1000" ontick="timer1_tick"></asp:timer>          </contenttemplate>          </asp:updatepanel>       </contenttemplate>   </itemtemplate> </telerik:gridtemplatecolumn> 


        protected void timer1_tick(object sender, eventargs e)     {         griddataitem viewitem = (sender system.web.ui.timer).parent.parent.parent.parent griddataitem;          datetime starttime = datetime.parseexact((viewitem.findcontrol("strat_timelabel") label).text, "h:mm:ss", system.globalization.cultureinfo.currentculture);         datetime nowtime = system.datetime.now;         timespan ts = new timespan();         ts = starttime - nowtime;          griddataitem item = (sender system.web.ui.timer).parent.parent.parent.parent griddataitem;         if (ts.seconds >= 0 && ts.minutes > 0)         {             datetime d = new datetime(2000, 01, 01, ts.hours, ts.minutes, ts.seconds);             (item.findcontrol("lbltime") label).text = d.tostring("h:mm:ss");         }         else         {             (item.findcontrol("lbltime") label).text = "00:00:00";         }     }   

any or advice appreciated

if interested found work around.

i moved updatepanel encapsulate entire radgrid (the timer still contained in updatepanel)

i changed c# code behind of timer1_tick to

        foreach (griddataitem item in radgrid1.items)         {             datetime starttime = datetime.parseexact((item.findcontrol("strat_timelabel") label).text, "h:mm:ss", system.globalization.cultureinfo.currentculture);             datetime nowtime = system.datetime.now;             timespan ts = new timespan();             ts = starttime - nowtime;              system.web.ui.timer).parent.parent.parent.parent griddataitem;             if (ts.seconds >= 0 && ts.minutes > 0)             {                 datetime d = new datetime(2000, 01, 01, ts.hours, ts.minutes, ts.seconds);                 (item.findcontrol("lbltime") label).text = d.tostring("h:mm:ss");             }             else             {                 (item.findcontrol("lbltime") label).text = "complete";             }            } 

then every gridcommand disabled/enable timer

    insertcommand: timer1.enabled = false;     editcommand: timer1.enabled = false;     updatecommand: timer1.enabled = true;     cancelcommand: timer1.enabled = false; 

probably not eloquent way have liked contain postback event in item template... works... improvements , suggestions welcome.


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