logic - how to generate list of records using list of lists data in erlang -

i have list of lists itemlistdata = [[1,"abc","def",30],[2,"axn","foo",23],[3,"bde","fo1",21],..] , form list of records using record item{itemno, name, description, quantity}. items list length varying. best way create new list of records using itemlistdata.

@graymalkin's answer involves lot of copying through use of ++ binary operator. 1 should prefer list comprehensions here:

make_records(records) ->     [#item{'#'=no, name=name, descr=descr, qty=qty}     || [no,name,descr,qty] <- records]. 

edit: use function thusly: (in shell)

1> rd(item, {'#', name, descr, qty}). 2> itemlistdata = [[1,"abc","def",30],[2,"axn","foo",23],[3,"bde","fo1",21]]. 3> some_module:make_records(itemlistdata). 


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