python - scipy.signal.cwt is getting a value error in correlate() -

i'm getting weird error when attempting use scipy.signal.cwt:

i have list c, , want take continuous wavelet transform this:

scipy.signal.cwt(np.array(c), scipy.signal.morlet, np.arange(.01,.1,.01)) 

and weird error:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- valueerror                                traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-55-5af5e14b96cd> in <module>() ----> 1 sig.cwt(a, sig.morlet, np.arange(.01,.1,.01))  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/signal/wavelets.pyc in cwt(data, wavelet,     widths)     359         wavelet_data = wavelet(min(10 * width, len(data)), width)     360         output[ind, :] = convolve(data, wavelet_data, --> 361                                               mode='same')     362     return output  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/signal/signaltools.pyc in convolve(in1,     in2, mode)     270      271     if np.iscomplexobj(kernel): --> 272         return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj].conj(), mode)     273     else:     274         return correlate(volume, kernel[slice_obj], mode)  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/signal/signaltools.pyc in correlate(in1, in2, mode)     129         in1zpadded = np.zeros(ps, in1.dtype)     130         sc = [slice(0, i) in in1.shape] --> 131         in1zpadded[sc] = in1.copy()     132      133         if mode == 'full':  valueerror: not broadcast input array shape (66467) shape (66466) 

what's causing error?

the third argument of scipy.signal.cwt widths, must larger 1, change code to:

scipy.signal.cwt(np.array(c), scipy.signal.morlet, np.arange(.01,.1,.01) * len(c)) 


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