php - How to check form validation in controller in Zend Framework 1.12 -

how check if form validated or not, , how show error message if form not according validations

in zf2 write as

usercontroller  $request = $this->getrequest(); $form = new form_loginform(); if($request->ispost()){     if($form->isvalid($this->_request->getpost())){         $authadapter = $this->getauthadapter();         $username = 'john';         $password = '123';         $authadapter->setidentity($email)                     ->setcredential($password);         $auth = zend_auth::getinstance();         $result = $auth->authenticate($authadapter);         if($result->isvalid()){             $identity = $authadapter->getresultrowobject();             $authstorage = $auth->getstorage();             $authstorage->write($identity);             $this->_helper->redirector(register/user);             echo 'valid';         } else {             $this->view->errormessage = "user name or password incorrect";         }     } } 

the above code in zend framework2 , need code in zend framework 1.12. how form login.phtml usercontroller , how write code check validation in line 4 written in zend framework2

my login.phtml form is

    <form action="<?php echo $this->url(array('controller'=>'user','action'=>'login'),     'default',true);?>" method="post">     email: <input type="text" name="user_email" type="email"            oninvalid="setcustomvalidity('plz enter valid email ')"      onchange="try{setcustomvalidity('')}catch(e){}" required />     password: <input type="password" name="password" required />     <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"  />     </form> 

how this....

    $form           =   new form_loginform();  if ($this->getrequest()->ispost())  {     if ($form->isvalid($_post))      {         $formdata       =   $this->_getformdata();         $authadapter    =   $this->_getauthadapter($formdata);         $auth           =   zend_auth::getinstance();         $result         =   $auth->authenticate($authadapter);          /**          * authentication failed          */         if (!$result->isvalid())          {             switch ($result->getcode())             {                 // username doesn't exist                 case zend_auth_result::failure_identity_not_found   :   $yourlogic;                                                                         break;                 // username , password combination incorrect                 case zend_auth_result::failure_credential_invalid   :   $yourlogic;                                                                         break;                 // general error message                 default :   $yourlogic;             }         }         /**          * authentication success          */         else          {             // store identity object password column has been omitted             $data   =   $authadapter->getresultrowobject(null, 'password');         }     } } 


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