C++ : Is it bad practice to use a static container in a class to contain pointers to all its objects for ease of access? -

i know if it's bad practice have static container in class store pointers class' objects can accessed base classes of program. game , saw on sdltutorials dot com, , find useful. allow me have neat structure game , don't see downside doing this, know have careful "global" access , maybe there's negative effect i'm not seeing right now.

here context/example. game has base class basic methods such loop(), render(), playaudio(), cleanmemory(). idea have individual objects have same methods being executed inside base method. example in pseudocode:

game::render() {    (iterate enemies in static container) {       current_enemy::render();   } } 

to sure, static member inside class this:

static std::vector<enemy*>    enemylist; 

so way, when game executing base render() method, example, can iterate enemies in enemies' class static container , execute individual render() methods, same environment objects, player, etc.

i make sure i'm aware of downside/complication/limitation might encounter if choose method build game, because don't see right know have careful static , global stuff.

thanks time.

it convenient, static variable or singleton nothing more global variables; , having global variables comes drawbacks:

  • the dependencies of function become unclear: global rely upon ?
  • the re-entrancy of function compromised: if current_enemy.render() accidentally calls game::render() ? it's infinite recursion!
  • the thread-safety of function compromised, unless proper synchronization takes place, in case serialized access global variable bog down performance of concurrent code (because of amdahl's law)

it might seem painful , pointless explicitly pass reference instance of game wherever need to, leaves clear path of dependencies can followed , software grows appreciate explicitness.

and there is, of course, said transforming program have two instances of game. while might seem incongruous in precise situation, in general wise not assume never necessary in future, no oracles.


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