clojure - let forms : How to access destructured symbols in a macro? -

i'm trying write macro expands let form destructuring. problem have list of symbols defined in let form, including obtained destruturing.

use case

i'm trying factor out kind of behavior, validation example :

(let [a (foo bar)       {x :x,        y :y,        {u :u, v: v :as nested-map} :nested} some-map]   (and x y nested-map u v ; testing truthiness        (valid-a? a)        (valid-x? x)        (valid-y? y)        (valid-nested? nested-map)        (valid-u-and-v? u v)        )) 

proposed solution

it nice achieve through sort of and-let macro call this:

(and-let [a (foo bar)           {x :x,            y :y,            {u :u, v: v :as nested-map} :nested} some-map]          (valid-a? a)          (valid-x? x)          (valid-nested? nested-map)          (valid-u-and-v? u v)) 

what i'm missing

but i'm missing way of accessing list of symbols bound in let form. if had list-bound-symbols function, :

(defmacro and-let   "expands , close previouly checks values declared in bindings truthy, followed tests."   [bindings & tests]   (let [bound-symbols (list-bound-symbols bindings) ;; i'm missing         ]     `(let ~bindings        (and           ~@bound-symbols          ~@tests)      )))  

has got clue how might this?

destructuring handled clojure.core/destructure function. it's public, can call ourselves , extract names of locals, including naming intermediate results used in destructuring:

(defmacro and-let [bindings & tests]   (let [destructured (destructure bindings)]     `(let ~destructured        (and ~@(take-nth 2 destructured)             ~@tests)))) 

seems work:

(let [foo nil]   (and-let [a 1             [b c] [2 3]]     (nil? foo))) ;= true 


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