syntax error in pyscripter - python -

if dice == dice2 :     print ("the scores on both dice remain constant, no changes made.")  elif dice > dice2 :     print ("the scores of 2 dice thrown not same.")     print (a, "'s new strength is", difference, "+", c "and new skill value is", difference2, "+", cc)  elif dice < dice2 :     print ("the scores of 2 dice thrown not same.")     print (b, "'s new strength is", difference, "-", d "and the new skill value is", difference2, "-", dd)  else :     print ("i think have error!") 

my syntax error in first elif statement, have gone wrong???

you need comma between c , "and new skill value is":

print (a, "'s new strength is", difference, "+", c, "and new skill value is", difference2, "+", cc)                                                   ^ 


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