ruby on rails - Upload image using paperclip, fog and rackspace -

i need upload logo image rackspace using fog & paperclip.

paperclip::attachment.default_options.update({   :path => "images/:class/:id/:attachment/:style/img_:fingerprint",   :storage => :fog,   :fog_credentials => {   :provider           => 'rackspace',   :rackspace_username => 'blablabla',   :rackspace_api_key  => 'blablabla',   :persistent => false }, :fog_directory => 'blablabla', :fog_public => true, :fog_host => '' }) 

i have settings in config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb

but how initialize logo catch settings. please me in confusion here.

you don't need initialize logo "catch" settings

let me explain how works:

paperclip creates entry db, , stores file on rackspace. accessing file, paperclip case of ensuring paperclip able load rackspace url correctly

i this:

#config/application.rb config.paperclip_defaults = {     styles: { :medium => "x500", :thumb => "x200" },     default_url: "placeholder.png" }  #config/environments/production.rb paperclip::attachment.default_options.merge!({      :path => "images/:class/:id/:attachment/:style/img_:fingerprint",      :storage => :fog,      :fog_credentials => {         :provider           => 'rackspace',         :rackspace_username => 'blablabla',         :rackspace_api_key  => 'blablabla',         :persistent => false      },      :fog_directory => 'blablabla',      :fog_public => true,      :fog_host => '' }) 

this allows upload rackspace in production mode. don't need change model, , call paperclip objects this:

@model.image.url #-> yields rackspace url 

if need more / clarity, please let me know. have used rackspace code & moved initializer config files


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