c++ - Program crashes due to undefined behavior -
so i'm writing program creates library collection of cds , displays them. program compiles crashes whenever write array of pointers songs file structs contained within array shown here:
//get song array (int = 0; < num_songs; a++) { getline (infile, line); sub = line.c_str(); word = createstring(sub); length = substr(word, -1, 5); title = substr(word, 5, strlen(sub)); cd->song_array[a] = createsong(title,length); destroystring(word); }
i think it's due undefined behavior, here's .cpp file happening in.
#include <iostream> #include "cds.h" #include "cd.h" #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; //creates collection of cds cds* createcds(const char* file_name) { //declare variables , allocate memory int max_cds = 50; cds* collection = new cds; collection->max_cds = max_cds; cd** cd_array = new cd*[max_cds]; int num; int sentinel = 0; string* word; string line; cd* cd; const char* sub; string* length; string* title; //open .txt file ifstream infile; infile.open(file_name); if (infile.is_open()) { while (infile.good()) { (int = 0; < max_cds; i++) { //get artist .txt file cd = cd_array[i]; getline (infile, line); sub = line.c_str(); word = createstring(sub); //create string infile line cd->artist = word; destroystring(word); //get title of album file getline (infile, line); sub = line.c_str(); word = createstring(sub); cd->title = word; destroystring(word); //get year of album file infile >> num; cd->year = num; //get rating infile >> num; cd->rating = num; //get number of tracks int num_songs; infile >> cd->num_tracks; //get song array (int = 0; < num_songs; a++) { getline (infile, line); sub = line.c_str(); word = createstring(sub); cout << "shit" << endl; length = substr(word, -1, 5); title = substr(word, 5, strlen(sub)); cd->song_array[a] = createsong(title,length); destroystring(word); } cd_array[i] = cd; sentinel++; } } } else { cout << "file did not open"; } collection->cd_array = cd_array; collection->num_cds = sentinel; collection->max_cds = max_cds; return collection; }
i have no idea make run, if amazing.
edit - didn't give .cpp included , has of functions used
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include "string.h" using namespace std; //function creates string string* createstring(const char* char_array) { //allocate memory pointer string struct //string* string; string* string = new string; //write char_array string struct int length = strlen(char_array); char array[30]; (int = 0; <= length; i++) { array[i] = char_array[i]; string->array[i] = array[i]; } return string; } //function displays string void displaystring(string* str) { (int = 0; < strlen(str->array); i++) { cout << str->array[i]; } cout << endl; } //function destroys string void destroystring(string* str) { delete str; str = null; } int find(string* str, char delimiter, int start) { (int = start; <= strlen(str->array); i++) { if (str->array[i] == delimiter) { return i; } } cout << "no occurences of delimiter found" << endl; return -1; } string* substr(string* str, int start, int end) { string* new_str = new string; int count = 0; (int = start + 1; < end - 1; i++) { new_str->array[count] = str->array[i]; count++; } return new_str; } void compare(string* str1, string* str2) { if (str1->array < str2->array) { cout << str1->array << " less " << str2->array << endl; } if (str1 > str2) { cout << str2->array <<" less " << str1->array << endl; } if (str1 == str2) { cout << "the strings equal" << endl; } }
you never allocate memory effective cd. allocate array of pointers cds (cd_array). means have array of pointers, pointing unkown memory locations.
the best way ensure no such bad access possible, not dynamically allocate memory. use cd cd_array[max_cds] , work that. (use call reference, if need pass function.)
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