reflection - Scala Method Mirror return Type is always Any -

i new scala. how solve problem method mirror returns any?

class abc{     def getstring(): string = {         return "a,b,c";     } }  //somewhere in project val ru = scala.reflect.runtime.universe val mirror = ru.runtimemirror(getclass.getclassloader); val c = class.forname("abc"); val classsymbol = mirror.classsymbol(c); val classtype = classsymbol.totype; val im = mirror.reflect(c.newinstance()) val _method_ = classtype.declaration(ru.newtermname("getstring")).asmethod; val method = im.reflectmethod(_method_); println(method()); //this prints "a,b,c" println(method().length()); // error, value length not member of 

can proper function returns proper object instead of any? thank you! if method mirror cannot return proper object(like string), point of method mirror?

there no way runtime reflection return objects proper static types because static types applicable @ compilation time (hence static types); in order enforce dynamically created object have desired static type, have manual cast whatever type need , know returned @ runtime.

so either:

val ret = method().asinstanceof[string].length 


val typedmethod = () => method().asinstanceof[string]  val ret = typedmethod().length // ret 5 

unfortunately there seems no way cast method object appropriate function type directly (unless i'm missing here):

method.asinstanceof[() => string] 

will raise @ runtime

java.lang.classcastexception: scala.reflect.runtime.javamirrors$javamirror$javavanillamethodmirror cannot cast scala.function0 


(method.apply _).asinstanceof[() => string] 

will raise @ runtime

java.lang.classcastexception: test$$anonfun$1 cannot cast scala.function0 


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