ruby on rails - Capistrano Many Private Repo Github -

very strange behavior , cant understand problems. have 2 private repositories on github , deploy capistrano. first app normal deployed deploy.rb:

require "rvm/capistrano" require 'bundler/capistrano'  set :rvm_ruby_string, "2.1.0" set :assets_role, :app set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false set :application, "awesome_app_one"  set :scm, :git set :repository, "" set :branch, :master set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :ssh_options, { forward_agent: true }  set :user, "rails" set :deploy_to, "/home/rails/#{application}" set :shared_children,   %w(public/system public/files public/uploads log tmp/pids tmp/sockets) set :use_sudo,  false  task :production   role :web, "123.456.789.0"   role :app, "123.456.789.0"   role :db,  "123.456.789.0", primary: true    set :branch, :master   set :deploy_to, "/home/rails/#{application}"   set :rails_env, 'production' end 

another app have similar deploy.rb recipe , capistrano can`t found repo:

> ** [123.456.789.0 :: err] error: repository not found. > ** [123.456.789.0 :: err] fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly 

then try clone repo on server:

$> git clone $> initialized empty git repository in /home/rails/repo_two/.git/ $> error: repository not found. $> fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly 

i add ssh keys server on repo_one , repo_two. same problem here no answers.


i found solution , can clone repo on server know how tell capistrano use command pull repo?

had error last night

we had use around error:

set :repository, '' 

we're refactoring, worked us


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