cordova - phonegap facebook connect fail on iphone 4 and iphone 5 -

i'm developing ios app phonegap 3.4 connects facebook used plugin connect facebook:

everything works in emulators provided xcode 5.1. tested app on iphone 3gs , connection facebook still works.

tested iphone 4s , facebook connection not work: fb.login not called. same happens on iphone 5s.

no error in xcode console , in safari console under developer mode.

the plugin out of date

make sure set config.xml correctly

<access origin="" />     <access origin="" />     <access origin="" />     <access origin="https://*" />     <access origin="https://*" />     <feature name="org.apache.cordova.facebook.connect">         <param name="ios-package" value="facebookconnectplugin" />     </feature> 


use command install facebook phonegap plugin

cordova plugin add --variable app_id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" --variable app_name=“your_app_name 

don't ever use plugman install cordova plugin.


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