Highcharts / Highstock step line without vertical "transition" lines? -

is possible omit vertical lines "square wave" line? think call level line, here's illustration:

level line

the easiest way achieve use scatter chart custom "line" symbol:

// define custom line symbol highcharts.svgrenderer.prototype.symbols.line = function (x, y, w, h) {     return ['m', x, y, 'l', x - w * 2, y, 'm', x, y, 'l', x + w * 2, y, 'z']; }; if (highcharts.vmlrenderer) {     highcharts.vmlrenderer.prototype.symbols.cross = highcharts.svgrenderer.prototype.symbols.cross; }  $('#container').highcharts({     chart: {         type: 'scatter'         },     title: {         text: 'look @ lines!!'     },          series: [{         name: 'line symbol',         data: [54.4, 29.9, {y: 129.2, radius: 8}, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6],         marker: {             symbol: 'line',             linecolor: null,              linewidth: 2         }     }] }); 

note can adjust length of individual point upping radius.

fiddle here.


enter image description here


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