java - Fullcalendar and json -
i'm trying load events database. i'm using gae, java , jsp. problem in json response. if write directly in script output of json, s work correctly, ajax call no. method in java:
public void caricadati(httpservletrequest req, httpservletresponse resp) throws servletexception, ioexception { date start=javatimestamptodatetime(double.parsedouble(req.getparameter("start"))); date end=javatimestamptodatetime(double.parsedouble(req.getparameter("end"))); date afteraddingtenmins=new date(start.getdate() + (10 * 60000)); objectifyservice.register(appuntamento.class); list<appuntamento> listaa= ofy().load().type(appuntamento.class).filter("d >=", start).filter("d <=", end).list(); system.out.println(listaa); jsonobject j= new jsonobject(); for(appuntamento : listaa){ resp.setcontenttype("application/json"); // set content type of response jquery knows can expect. resp.setcharacterencoding("utf-8"); resp.getwriter().write(utildispensatojson(a, start, end)); } }
the method of json:
public string utildispensatojson(appuntamento k, date start, date end) { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); try { sb.append("["); sb.append("{"); sb.append("id : '" + k.getid() + "' , "); sb.append("title : '" + k.gettitolo() + "' , "); sb.append("start : '" + k.getdata() + "' , "); //sb.append("\"end\" : \"" + end + "\","); sb.append("allday : false ,"); sb.deletecharat(sb.lastindexof(",")); sb.append("}"); sb.append("]"); system.out.println(sb.tostring()); return sb.tostring(); } catch (exception e) { return "errore"; } }
the output of json is:
[{id : '6473924464345088' , title : 'dfsf' , start : '2014/04/25 08:30' , allday : false }]
your output json appears invalid.
the properties (id, title, start, allday) should surrounded double quotes , values string types. here use single quotes instead of double quotes.
also can test validity of json string on website:
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