magento community forgot password not working -

i have inherited magento community site, @ point in it's history upgraded , seems 1 of upgrades did not run forgot password sql scripts. rp_token , rp_token_created_at attributes missing eav_attribute table. right if use forgot password feature , enter in email address in system magento throws error , blank page.

i tried adding these fields in manually magento must doing work behind scene when adding attributes, question how can run upgrade scripts feature working?

the scripts looks did not complete are: app\\code\\core\\mage\\customer\\sql\\customer_setup\\mysql4-upgrade-

these attributes not in eav_attribute table.

// add reset password link token attribute $installer->addattribute('customer', 'rp_token', array(     'type'     => 'varchar',     'input'    => 'hidden',     'visible'  => false,     'required' => false ));  // add reset password link token creation date attribute $installer->addattribute('customer', 'rp_token_created_at', array(     'type'           => 'datetime',     'input'          => 'date',     'validate_rules' => 'a:1:{s:16:\"input_validation\";s:4:\"date\";}',     'visible'        => false,     'required'       => false )); 


these not in admin_user table.

// add reset password link token column $installer->getconnection()->addcolumn($installer->gettable('admin/user'), 'rp_token', array(     'type' => varien_db_ddl_table::type_text,     'length' => 256,     'nullable' => true,     'default' => null,     'comment' => 'reset password link token' ));  // add reset password link token creation date column $installer->getconnection()->addcolumn($installer->gettable('admin/user'), 'rp_token_created_at', array(     'type' => varien_db_ddl_table::type_timestamp,     'nullable' => true,     'default' => null,     'comment' => 'reset password link token creation date' ));' 

my best guess smtp have been deactivated. let me know if wrong.


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