How to run Multiple Process in C# -

seniors, beginner , new in c# after php.

my question how execute multiple function same time in c# e.g

class void main() {  call functiona(argument)  call functionb(argument)  call functionc(argument)  // these function should start @ same time } 

my first function

public void functiona(argument) {  richtextbox1.appendtext(starttime); } 

my second function

public void functionb(argument) {  richtextbox1.appendtext(starttime); } 

my third function

public void functionc(argument) {  richtextbox1.appendtext(starttime); } 

your / guideline save time.

the easiest option use task class. msdn nails it, copying (with minor edits) relevant bit here

action action1 = () => {     // code here };  action action2 = () => {     // code here };  task t1 = new task(action1); task t2 = new task(action2);  t1.start(); t2.start(); 


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