java - Text boxes squished in Swing layout -
i have frame opens when click file>new user, text fields squished together.
i'm trying have them stacked vertically use new gridlayout(3, 2)
. however, stuff new window way @ bottom.
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class app extends jframe implements actionlistener { private final int width = 300; private final int height = 550; private int control = 0; string[] username = new string[10]; string[] pass = new string[10]; private string tempname; private string temppass; container con = getcontentpane(); jpanel panel = new jpanel(); private jtextfield name = new jtextfield(); private jpasswordfield password = new jpasswordfield(); jmenubar mainbar = new jmenubar(); jmenu menu1 = new jmenu("file"); jmenu menu2 = new jmenu("edit"); jmenuitem newuser = new jmenuitem("new user"); jbutton but1 = new jbutton("log in"); jbutton but2 = new jbutton("test"); jlabel error = new jlabel("login info not corret\n or user not registered."); jlabel success = new jlabel("success!"); /////////////stuff dialog/////////////////// jpanel panel2 = new jpanel(); jtextfield newmodaluser = new jtextfield(); jpasswordfield newmodalpass = new jpasswordfield(); jpasswordfield newmodalpasscon = new jpasswordfield(); jbutton register = new jbutton("register"); //////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void main(string[] args) { app frame = new app(); } public app() { //just settin stuff super("for bold"); setsize(width, height); setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); setlocationrelativeto(null); //setresizable(false); setvisible(true); //add menubar setjmenubar(mainbar); mainbar.add(menu1); menu1.add(newuser); //background of main jframe setcontentpane(new jlabel(new imageicon("//users//ryanchampin//desktop//gui app//image.png"))); //test names in arrays username[0] = "ryan"; pass[0] = "test"; //main stuff in middle //panel.setbackground(; panel.setsize(300,300); panel.add(name); panel.add(password); panel.setlayout(new boxlayout(panel, boxlayout.page_axis )); panel.add(but1); panel.add(but2); add(panel,new gridbagconstraints()); setlayout(new gridbaglayout()); //assign action listener but1.addactionlistener(this); newuser.addactionlistener(this); register.addactionlistener(this); } public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { object source = e.getsource(); tempname = name.gettext(); temppass = password.gettext(); if(source == but1) { for(int x = 0; x < username.length; x++) { if(tempname.equalsignorecase(username[x]) && temppass.equals(pass[x])) { //display success jlabel add(success); system.out.println("success"); break; } else { success.settext(null); add(error); name.settext(null); password.settext(null); } } } else if(source == newuser) { panel.setvisible(false); setlayout(new gridlayout(3,2)); add(panel2); panel2.add(newmodaluser); panel2.add(newmodalpass); panel2.add(newmodalpasscon); panel2.add(register); } else if(source == register) system.out.println("yay worked"); } }
- avoid using
if possible. - instead let components , layout managers set own sizes.
- use cardlayout swap views instead of you're doing. if this, cardlayout size container fit "cards" has been given.
- don't forget call
on gui after adding components - don't forget call
after adding components , after calling pack. - when creating new jtextfields , jpasswordfields, pass in int number of columns constructors.
whats pack() used for?
the pack()
method tells gui have layout managers of constituent containers lay out components, , set best size of gui after every component has been placed.
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