c++ - Rectangles Intersection (Vertical line) -
for given rectangle r1
trying find out other rectangles intersect if draw vectical line segment.
the rectangles intersect r1
marked in red.
every rectangle characterized (top, left)
, (bottom, right)
r1 = [top, left, bottom, right],...,rn = [top, left, bottom, right]
by using coordinates , vertical line. want find rectangles intersects r1
i found following library same work icl boost library must simpler: download site: [https://github.com/ekg/intervaltree][2]
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "intervaltree.h" using namespace std; struct position { int x; int y; string id; }; int main() { vector<interval<position>> intervals; intervals.push_back(interval<position>(4,10,{1,2,"r1"})); intervals.push_back(interval<position>(6,10,{-6,-3,"r2"})); intervals.push_back(interval<position>(8,10,{5,6,"r3"})); vector<interval<position> > results; vector<string> value; int start = 4; int stop = 10; intervaltree<position> tree(intervals); // tree.findcontained(start, stop, results); tree.findoverlapping(start, stop, results); cout << "found " << results.size() << " overlapping intervals" << endl; }
- left = 4;
- right = 10;
- structure {1,2,"rc1"};
you don't care rectangles vertically. can project onto x-axis , solve corresponding 1-dimensional problem: have set of intervals , want know overlap given interval. interval tree does:
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