Magento Backend > Product Attributes showing less attributes that it should -

when in backend can't see custom attributes. same occurs in frontend.

i selected eav_attribute table , can see 179 product attributes (type = 4). backend product > attributes shows 119.

anyone know happening?

magento version:

in admin grid attributes, attribute collection retrieved this:

$collection = mage::getresourcemodel('catalog/product_attribute_collection')         ->addvisiblefilter();  

so not attributes exist listed in there. ones marked is_visible in catalog_eav_attribute table.

try select , see get.

select      *       eav_attribute e     left join `catalog_eav_attribute` ce         on e.attribute_id = ce.attribute_id     e.entity_type_id = 4 ,     ce.is_visible = 1 

this should attributes listed in admin grid.


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