regex - Sed command on Linux only matches 1, where on Solaris multiple matches are found -

note i'm beginner sed.

we make use of sed-command looks in output of clearcase command , obtains names of users view:

<clearcase output> | sed -n "/development streams:/,// s/[^ ]* *views: *\([^_ ]*\)_.*/\1/p" 

(example clearcase output:

project:              project:xx0.0_xx0000@/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxx0 project's mastership: xxxxxxxxx@/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxx0 project folder:       folder:xx0.0@/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxx0 (rootfolder/xxxxxxxx/xx0.0) modifiable components:component:00000000000@/xxxx/xxxxxx_xxxxxxxx0                       component:xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx@/xxxx/xxxxxx_xxxxxxxx0                       component:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_x@/xxxx/xxxxxx_xxxxxxxx0                       component:xxxxx@/xxxx/xxxxxx_xxxxxxxx0                       component:xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxx@/xxxx/xxxxxx_xxxxxxxx0  integration stream:   stream:xx0.0_xx0000_integration@/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxx0 (fi: nemelis) integration views:    olduser_xx0.0_xx0000_int - properties: dynamic ucmview readwrite nshareable_dos                       nemelis_xx0.0_xx0000_int - properties: dynamic ucmview readwrite nshareable_dos                       otheruser_xx0.0_xx0000_int - properties: dynamic ucmview readwrite nshareable_dos  development streams:  stream:nemelis_xx0.0_xx0000@/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxx0 [unlocked] - no rebase or delivery pending.                        views:nemelis_xx0.0_xx0000                       stream:otheruser_xx0.0_xx0000_streamidentifier@/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxx0 [unlocked] - no rebase or delivery pending.                        views:otheruser_xx0.0_xx0000_streamidentifier 


on solaris output:



but on (redhat-)linux first name given.

(note: i've looked on stackoverflow , found comments sed greedy on posix / gnu , perl should used (see non greedy regex matching in sed?). i've tried fix perl, ran forrest of problems p @ end, using "//", "|", missing operator before < token >, etcetera, hence post here)

not sure you're trying achieve specifying address //. imply should end of file or blank line. use $ address in former case, , /^$/ in latter.

the following might work you:

sed -n "/development streams:/,$ s/[^ ]* *views: *\([^_ ]*\)_.*/\1/p" 

from manual:


 address matches last line of last file of input, or  last line of each file when `-i' or `-s' options  specified. 


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