javascript - showModalDialog - Is it possible to Dynamically Resize? -

i'm using showmodaldialog opening dialog inside dialog, although dialog have more fields depending on information required. possible make resize dynamically rather giving fixed size?

    showmodaldialog(     v_location,     '',     'dialogheight:260px; dialogwidth:560px; edge: raised; center: yes; help: no; resizable: no; status: yes; scroll: yes' ); 

try one:

   showmodaldialog( v_location, '', 'dialogheight:260px; dialogwidth:560px; edge: raised; center: yes; help: no; resizable: yes; status: yes; scroll: yes'); 

that give window can resized user/visitor. , yes possible dynamically change size of windows based example on screen resolution, need replace 'dialogheight:260px; dialogwidth:560px;...' 'dialogheight:<%=windowsheight%>px; dialogwidth:<%=windowwidth%>px;...' specifics depend on needs are.


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