Java minimax abalone implementation -

i want implement minimax in abalone game don't know how it. exact don't know when algo need max or min player. if have understand logic, need min player , max ai ?

this wikipedia pseudo code

    function minimax(node, depth, maximizingplayer)     if depth = 0 or node terminal node         return heuristic value of node     if maximizingplayer         bestvalue := -∞         each child of node             val := minimax(child, depth - 1, false))             bestvalue := max(bestvalue, val);         return bestvalue     else         bestvalue := +∞         each child of node             val := minimax(child, depth - 1, true))             bestvalue := min(bestvalue, val);         return bestvalue  (* initial call maximizing player *) minimax(origin, depth, true) 

and implementation

private integer minimax(board board, integer depth, color current, boolean maximizingplayer) {     integer bestvalue;     if (0 == depth)         return ((current == selfcolor) ? 1 : -1) * this.evaluateboard(board, current);      integer val;     if (maximizingplayer) {         bestvalue = -inf;         (move m : board.getpossiblemoves(current)) {             board.apply(m);             val = minimax(board, depth - 1, current, boolean.false);             bestvalue = math.max(bestvalue, val);             board.revert(m);         }         return bestvalue;     } else {         bestvalue = inf;         (move m : board.getpossiblemoves(current)) {             board.apply(m);             val = minimax(board, depth - 1, current, boolean.true);             bestvalue = math.min(bestvalue, val);             board.revert(m);         }         return bestvalue;     } } 

and evaluate function

private integer evaluateboard(board board, color player) {     return board.ballscount(player) - board.ballscount(player.other()); } 

it depends on evaluation function; in case, assuming goal have more balls on board opponent, player maximizing & ai minimizing.


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