passport.js - Setting up Passport - LinkedIn OAuth2.0 Strategy; Cannot see Authorization page loaded -

i new developing spa. have using angularjs , nodejs passport. have succesfully implemented localstrategy. trying : , linkedinstrategy = require('passport-linkedin-oauth2').strategy

when attempt login request, receive following error: xmlhttprequest cannot load

"http://localhost:8000/login/linkedin. request redirected       '…  %2fcallback&scope=r_emailaddress%20r_basicprofile&client_id=7708er3z2xorot'" 

, disallowed cross-origin requests require preflight.

if manually click on link show me authorization page; also, notice in linkedin api request count going up, cannot authorization page appear?

i found out had done wrong , wanted share correction , solution:

originally, making $http.get call (using angularjs) client server (nodejs). server called function called passport.

instead set window address $window.location.href = myserverroutelinkedin

   $scope.loginoauth = function (provider) {         $window.location.href = environment.apiauthentication + '/login/' + provider;     } 

hopefully, may else.


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