multithreading - OPAL (Open Phone Abstraction Library) Transport not terminated when reattaching thread? -

i in process of writing application using opal makes h323 calls. have looked online number of working examples , have managed put resembles should like, @ present able call external ip via application when accept call craps out , dies.

leaving me with:

0:12.949               setupcall:8752       sert.cxx(259)   assertion fail: transport not terminated when reattaching thread , file d:\voip\software\opal\src\opal\transports.cxx, line 1021 passertfunc(0xde3f88, 0xffffffffd228226f, 0, 0) + 0x82 passertfunc(0x10d6e5f8, 0x3fd, 0, 0x10d6eb98) + 0x15b opaltransport::attachthread(0xde5870, 0xffffffffd22fc76b, 0, 0) + 0x96 h323connection::setupconnection(0xffffffffd22fc713, 0, 0, 0xde6ea8) + 0x196 asynchcallsetup(0x10d3572c, 0, 0, 0xdd0108) + 0x7c pthread1arg<psafeptr<opalconnection,psafeptrbase> >::main(0xffffffffd2282faf 

from have deduced, perhaps incorrectly if there thread lock issue caused (possibly arising fact application sending expected h323 call, throwing in call sip:fred straight after, have no idea why).

my current enpoint set follows:

    bool opalmanagerlite::init() {     h323ep = new myh323endpoint(*this);      setaudiojitterdelay(20, 1000);     disabledetectinbanddtmf(true);      if(!initendpoint(h323ep))     {         return false;     }      if (h323ep != null) {       addrouteentry("pc:.* = h323:<da>");       addrouteentry("h323:.* = pc:<da>");        addrouteentry("pots:.*\\*.*\\*.* = h323:<dn2ip>");       addrouteentry("h323:.*\\*.*\\*.* = pots:<dn2ip>");        addrouteentry("h323:.* = pots:<da>");       addrouteentry("pots:.* = h323:<da>");     }       pstring defaultsrcep = "pc:*";     srcep = defaultsrcep;      return true; }  bool opalmanagerlite::initendpoint(myh323endpoint * h323ep) {     h323ep->disablefaststart(true);     h323ep->disableh245tunneling(true);     h323ep->forcesymmetrictcs(true);        h323ep->setlocalusername("ronnie");     h323ep->setdefaultlocalpartyname("ronnie");      pstringarray listeners; // default listeners opened      opallistenertcp *tolisten = new opallistenertcp(*h323ep,             pipsocket::getdefaultipany(), null, null);       if (!h323ep->startlisteners(listeners))     {         return false;     }      return true; } 

my call expect when making call e.g. setupcall(srcep, ip, calltoken);

any appreciated why occurring, know must of tripped somewhere cannot see where.


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