Protractor + AngularJS + Jasmine get output results on xml file -

i'm trying export protractor results xml files, found great link on web:

after running : npm install jasmine-reporters

i added following lines protracotr config file:

require('jasmine-reporters');  jasmine.getenv().addreporter(new jasmine.junitxmlreporter(     'c:\temp\test', true, true)); 

and following error:

jasmine.console_reporter.js:2 if (! jasmine) { ^ referenceerror: jasmine not defined

i attached here config file, please advise doing wrong, , how can fix this:

require('jasmine-reporters');  jasmine.getenv().addreporter(new jasmine.junitxmlreporter(     'c:\temp\test', true, true));  // example configuration file. exports.config = {     seleniumaddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',     chromeonly: true,    capabilities: {     'browsername': 'chrome'   },    specs: ['../test/protractor/publisher_list_e2e.js'],     allscriptstimeout: 60000,   // options passed jasmine-node.    jasminenodeopts: {     showcolors: true,     defaulttimeoutinterval: 30000   }  }; 

you have change config file looks this:

// example configuration file. exports.config = {   seleniumaddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',   chromeonly: true,    capabilities: {     'browsername': 'chrome'   },    specs: ['../test/protractor/publisher_list_e2e.js'],   allscriptstimeout: 60000,    // options passed jasmine-node.   onprepare: function() {           require('jasmine-reporters');     jasmine.getenv().addreporter(       new jasmine.junitxmlreporter(null, true, true, '<path directory>')     );   },    jasminenodeopts: {     showcolors: true,     defaulttimeoutinterval: 30000   } 


the whole jasmine-reports feature has done in onprepare statement since jasmine required way that's guaranteed within onprepare function.

and based root folder of project. let me know if helps!


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