perl - Custom 404 route not matching website root -

i have few routes defined mojolicious app , catch-all 404 route:

$r->any('*')->to(cb => sub {     $self = shift;     $self->render(text => '404 not found');     $self->rendered(404); }); 

the 404 route works fine:

$ ./bin/ -m production /no_such_url 404 not found 

but want 404 route match website root, , default mojolicious 404 instead, in production mode:

$ ./bin/ -m production / <!doctype html> <html>   <head><title>page not found</title></head> … 

what need serve plain 404 callback on /?

you correct any '*' not catch main index /. appears 1 exception. there 2 easy solutions:

you can create alias route. note how set rendered code before set rendered text:

use mojolicious::lite;  sub my404 {     $self = shift;     $self->rendered(404);     $self->render(text => '404 *');  }  '*' => \&my404; '/' => \&my404;  app->start; 

you can override default 404 not found template documented in rendering exception , not found pages:

use mojolicious::lite;  app->start;  __data__  @@ not_found.development.html.ep 404 default template 


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