php - Editing a plugin - User Messaging WP -

a question newbie in php:

i have plugin called user messaging wpmu dev wordpress, allows users communicate each other. paid plugin. want, admin of wp receive content of every message being sent (for private , moderation reasons) got advice of i'm trying follow.

"unfortunately, there no hooks achieve want. therefore, need make modifications plugin. doesn't require coding, need function messaging_new_message_notification() in messaging.php file. function sends email notifications user when message sent. need duplicate call wp_mail() in line 398 pointing specific email address. should notice email sent when user notification settings enabled, might need duplicate whole block if want send custom email default."

so have code:

function messaging_new_message_notification($tmp_to_uid,$tmp_from_uid,$tmp_subject,$tmp_content) { global $wpdb, $current_site, $user_id, $messaging_email_notification_subject, $messaging_email_notification_content;  if (is_multisite()) {     $site_name  = $current_site->site_name;     $site_url   = 'http://'. $current_site->domain; } else {     $site_name  = get_option('blogname');     $site_url   = get_option('siteurl'); }  if (get_user_meta($tmp_to_uid,'message_email_notification') != 'no'){     $tmp_to_username =  $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("select user_login " . $wpdb->users . " id = %d", $tmp_to_uid));     $tmp_to_email =  $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("select user_email " . $wpdb->users . " id = %s", $tmp_to_uid));     $tmp_from_username =  $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("select user_login " . $wpdb->users . " id = %d", $tmp_from_uid));      $message_content = get_site_option('messaging_email_notification_content', $messaging_email_notification_content);     $message_content = str_replace( "site_name", $site_name, $message_content );     $message_content = str_replace( "site_url", $site_url, $message_content );     $message_content = str_replace( "to_user", $tmp_to_username, $message_content );     $message_content = str_replace( "from_user", $tmp_from_username, $message_content );     $message_content = str_replace( "\'", "'", $message_content );      $subject_content = get_site_option('messaging_email_notification_subject', $messaging_email_notification_subject);     $subject_content = str_replace( "site_name", $site_name, $subject_content );      $admin_email = get_site_option('admin_email');     if ($admin_email == ''){         $admin_email = 'admin@' . $current_site->domain;     }      $from_email = $admin_email;      $message_headers = "mime-version: 1.0\n" . "from: " . $site_name .  " <{$from_email}>\n" . "content-type: text/plain; charset=\"" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\"\n";      wp_mail($tmp_to_email, $subject_content, $message_content, $message_headers); 

i'm trying understand need , start.

instead of duplicating whole block, move if (get_user_meta($tmp_to_uid,'message_email_notification') != 'no') encapsulate 1 of wp_mail() functions , send email admin:

if (get_user_meta($tmp_to_uid,'message_email_notification') != 'no'){     wp_mail($tmp_to_email, $subject_content, $message_content, $message_headers); } wp_mail($admin_email, $subject_content, $message_content, $message_headers); 

note you'll need perform modification each time update plugin.


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