mysql - java.sql.SQLException Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0) -

after validation of select combo box have selected not able insert in database. tomcat gives following error

java.sql.sqlexception: parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters,  0). 

how caused , how can solve it?

you error when call of setxxx() methods on preparedstatement, while sql query string not have placeholders ? this.

for example wrong:

string sql = "insert tablename (col1, col2, col3) values (val1, val2, val3)"; // ...  preparedstatement = connection.preparestatement(sql); preparedstatement.setstring(1, val1); // fail. preparedstatement.setstring(2, val2); preparedstatement.setstring(3, val3); 

you need fix sql query string accordingly specify placeholders.

string sql = "insert tablename (col1, col2, col3) values (?, ?, ?)"; // ...  preparedstatement = connection.preparestatement(sql); preparedstatement.setstring(1, val1); preparedstatement.setstring(2, val2); preparedstatement.setstring(3, val3); 

note parameter index starts 1 , not need quote placeholders so:

string sql = "insert tablename (col1, col2, col3) values ('?', '?', '?')"; 

otherwise still same exception, because sql parser interpret them actual string values , can't find placeholders anymore.

see also:


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