jquery - Filtering Javascript object array -

i trying new array object based on 2 of them.

log1 = {1:"london",2:"new york",4:"berlin"}; log2 = [{id:1, location:"eu"},{id:2, location:"us"},{id:18, location:"asia"}]; 

i want make sure log1 keys exist in log2 and, if not, want delete it. be:

 result = {1:"london",2:"new york"}; 

i couldn't filter take 1 object. there way filter based on 2 object arrays? there neat way ?

if using recent version of js array.map(), array.filter() , object.keys() try following more functional approach:

var log1 = {     1: "london",     2: "new york",     4: "berlin" };  var log2 = [     {id: 1,  location: "eu"},     {id: 2,  location: "us"},     {id: 18, location: "asia"} ];   var ids = log2.map(function(obj) { return obj.id; }).map(string);  object.keys(log1).filter(function(key) {     return ids.indexof(key) === -1; }).foreach(function(k) {     delete log1[k]; });  console.log(log1); 

should yield:

{ '1': 'london', '2': 'new york' } 

example: http://repl.it/rnf/2

hope helps :)


otherwise, browser compatibility , more consider lodash or underscore suggested other posters. or use polyfill!

mdn provides polyfills @ bottom of each of following pages older environments (in case require compatibility):


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