prolog - How to make a list of integers from 1 to N -

i'm using gnu prolog, , told can solved finite domain solver, or member/2 , is/2. can come using both together, it's not working. here have far:

unique([],n,0). unique([h|t],n,n1) :-     length([h|t],n1),     n2 n1-1,     unique(t,n,n2),     h #> 0,     h #=< n.     \+ member(h,t). 

when debug unique(x,3,3) trace, can see when calls member/2, it's comparing 2 domains, 1..3 , 1..3 , succeed, shouldn't. can help?

sorry solution doesn't use fd or member/2. ;)

using prior solution problem of generating list of integers 1 n:

n_ups(n, xs) :-    length(xs, n),    numbered_from(xs, 1).  numbered_from([], _). numbered_from([i0|is], i0) :-    i1 i0+1,    numbered_from(is, i1). 

you can use gnu built-in permutation predicate:

unique(n, p) :-     n_ups(n, l),     permutation(l, p). 

results unique(3, l):

| ?- unique(3, l).  l = [1,2,3] ?  l = [1,3,2]  l = [2,1,3]  l = [2,3,1]  l = [3,1,2]  l = [3,2,1]  no | ?- 

if want roll own permutation, then:

perm([], []). perm(list, [h|perm]) :-     select(h, list, rest),     perm(rest, perm). 


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