Get Registry Name using powershell -

i wanted loop through registry entries using powershell , uninstall msis.

i found answer in this post simillar requirement. have slight different requirement. (i dont want use uninstall string)

i list of registries in 'hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall' , want use name (i.e. productcode) of registry itself.

my question: how name of registry.

you need use get-childitem.

for example, gives name of key under uninstall key.

get-childitem hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall | select pschildname 

update based on comment:

get-childitem hklm:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall | where-object {  $_.pschildname -eq '{d2b9c003-a3cd-44a0-9de5-52fe986c03e5}'} | select pschildname 


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