javascript/jQuery How do I reuse objects in an array for a particle system -

i'm in process of building entity system canvas game. started simple particle emitter/updater altering accommodate multi-particle/entity generator. whilst ok javascript/jquery running limits of experience concerns arrays , gratefully accept on following:

when need new particle/entity current system calls function push object array contains variables entity updates.

then update function runs loop on array, checking on type variable update particle (position/colour/etc...). [array.splice] particle, based on condition. when needed further particles/entities push new particles.

what achieve here is:

in makeparticle function, check on particle array "dead" particles , if available resuse them, or push new particle if not have created particlealive var flag purpose.

var particles = []; var playing = false;  function mousepressed(event) { playing = !playing; }  if(playing) { makeparticle(1, 200, 200, 10, "blueflame"); makeparticle(1, 300, 200, 10, "redflame"); }  function makeparticle(numparticles, xpos, ypos, pradius, ptype) {   var i;   (i = 0; < numparticles; i++) {     var p = {         type : ptype,         x : xpos,         y : ypos,         xvel : random(-0.5, 0.5),         yvel : random(-1, -3),         particlealive : true,         particlerender : true,         size : pradius       }; // close var p        particles.push(p);  // instead of pushing fresh particles time function, here, check free objects in array    } // close loop  } // close function makeparticle  function runtime() {    for(var i=0; i<particles.length; i++) {    var p = particles[i];   var thistype = p.type;     switch (thistype) {      case "blueflame":       c.fillstyle = rgb(100,100,255);    c.fillcircle(p.x,p.y,p.size);   p.x += p.xvel;   p.y += p.yvel;   p.size*=0.9;        if (particles.size < 0.5) {         particlealive = false;         particlerender = false;       } // close if   break;  case "redflame":   c.fillstyle = rgb(255,100,100);    c.fillcircle(p.x,p.y,p.size);   p.x -= p.xvel;   p.y -= p.yvel;   p.size*=0.95;       if (particles.size < 0.5) {     particlealive = false;         particlerender = false;       } // close if   break; } // close switch } // close function runtime 

i've found previous answers relate questions, i've been unable working within makeparticle function, how assign attributes of p particle[j]:

var particleuseoldornew = function() {  (var j = 0, len = particles.length; j < len; j++) {      if (particles[j].particlealive === false)         // particles[j] = p;      return particle[j]; } return null; // no dead particles found, create new "particles.push(p);" perhaps? } 

thanks in advance help

my personal opinion on matter if making new particle, should new object, not "re-using" of old 1 properties changed. each new object should have unique identifier, if need track them (for development purposes, debugging, or later re-use), easy do. or @ least keep counter of number of times you've re-used particle object represent "new" particle! though guess if you've found "re-using" improves performance (have you?), that's way go.

anyway, enough pontificating, here how you're asking (i assume speed main concern, did native js):

var particles = [];  //function create brand spanking new particle function makenewparticle(xpos, ypos, pradius, ptype){     return  {         type : ptype,         x : xpos,         y : ypos,         xvel : random(-0.5, 0.5),         yvel : random(-1, -3),         particlealive : true,         particlerender : true,         size : pradius     }; };    //function change properties of old particle make psuedo-new particle (seriously, why want this?) function changeexistingparticle(existing, xpos, ypos, pradius, ptype){     existing.x = xpos;     existing.y = ypos;     existing.size = pradius;     existing.type = ptype;     return existing; };    //figure out keys of dead particles in particles[] array function getdeadparticlekeys() {     var keys = [];     for(var p = 0; p < particles.length; p++) {         if (!particles[p].particlealive) {             keys.push(p);         }     } };    function makeparticle(numparticles, xpos, ypos, pradius, ptype) {     var d, i, deadparticles;      //grab "dead" particle keys     deadparticlekeys = getdeadparticlekeys();     numparticles -= deadparticlekeys.length;      //replace each dead particle "live" 1 @ specified key     (d = 0; d < deadparticlekeys.length; d++) {         particles[ deadparticlekeys[d] ] = changeexistingparticle(particles[ deadparticlekeys[d] ], xpos, ypos, pradius, ptype)     }      //if had more particles there dead spaces available, add array     (i = 0; < numparticles; i++) {         particles.push( makenewparticle(xpos, ypos, pradius, ptype) );     } }; 

now, here's how recommend doing it: abandon idea or "re-using" particles, make separate constructor each particle (will immensely if add methods particles in future), , scrap dead particles every time 1 added:

//make constructor particle var particle = function(props){     if (typeof props === 'function') {        props = props();     }     this.type = props.type;     this.x = props.x;     this.y = props.y;     this.size = props.size; }; paticle.prototype.particlealive = true; paticle.prototype.particlerender = true;  //global particles list var particles = [];  //remove dead element particlelist particles.clean = function(){     var p, keys;     (p = this.length; p >= 0; p--) {         if (!p.particlealive) {             this.splice(p, 1);         }     } };  //method adding x amount of new particles - if num parameter isn't provided, assume 1 particles.add = function(props, num){     //first, clean out garbage!     this.clean();      //now, append new particles end     var n, limit = (num && typeof num === 'number') ? num : 1;     (n = 0; n < limit; n++){         particles.push( new particle(props) );     } };  //a couple examples particles.add({ //add single blueflame     type: "blueflame",     size: 10,     x: 200,     y: 200 });  particles.add({ //add 4 redflames     type: "redflame",     size: 10,     x: 300,     y: 200 }, 4);  particles.add(function(){//add 4 greenflames, randomized xy cooridinates     this.x = math.round(math.random() * 1000);     this.y = math.round(math.random() * 1000);     this.size = 20;     this.type = "greenflame"; }, 4); 

way less code manage. i'm not sure way faster, i'd bet speed difference negligible. of course, check making quick jsperf.


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